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Welcome 2024, A Year of Achievements

Updated: Jan 8

Can you believe it is 2024? I always imagined as a kid that by the time we hit 2024 we would all be driving around in flying cars like on The Jetsons and have a house on the moon. HA, HA! I may have been wrong about that, but I have an another premonition—2024 is going to be YOUR year! Wondering why I'm so confident? Because you're about to do something that will guarantee your success! Your gonna set some goals sister!

Now, don't get me wrong—I've made resolutions in the past that never came to be, but let's take a different spin at it this time. Resolutions, by definition, stem from what we wish we'd done differently. I am all about looking back on past experiences and learning from them, but I don't want to start this year in a place of regret. So, how about we pivot and try goal setting instead.

Goals can be like a compass; keeping us on the right path through the million distractions we face every day. They shift our mindset—from regrets to aspirations, from 'what could've been' to 'what can be.' That is the kind of positivity I want to go into the new year with!

Picture this: It's finally the end of an insanely busy long day. The kids are in bed and you get to sit in silence for the first time all day. You think back on your blur of a day- how could you have been so busy but feel like you accomplished nothing? How is that possible? You know you were slammed all day! That, my friends, is what happens when you start the day without intention. Goals can be the remedy for this. They keep us focused on what truly matters amidst life's chaos.

Yeah, I know, you might've dipped your toes into the goal-setting pool before and failed. But here's a gentle nudge—let's give it another shot! I'll share five hacks to fuel your goal-crushing journey and lets try this again, with a new plan.

The first thing we are going to do is take a minute to ourselves. A guaranteed way to get this time to yourself is to tell the kids we are going to do some chores. Somehow they just disappear when this is supposed to happen. I have tried locking myself in the bathroom, but they have no shame and will bang on the door until I come out. Take this time to reflect on the past year—your wins, your 'could've-beens.' What resonates with you- by that I mean what socks you in the gut that a whole year went by and you still didn't get it done? Let's shape these reflections into an overarching goal. Mine, for example, is to improve my health. I think it has been since I was 16. Man, I would give my left thigh and the tray of brownies I ate last night to be the size I was when I was 16! Don't you look at photos from back then and say, how could I have thought I was fat?

Anyway, I digress. Focus.... overarching goal.... improve your health. Now, so you don't get fully overwhelmed and light your shiny new goals on fire, we need to make this more manageable. Let's break that big goal into bite-sized chunks. My health journey involves daily exercise, healthy eating, and nurturing my mental well-being.

I think I'm already having anxiety about this, so let's zoom in further—get ultra-specific with these mini-goals. For instance, 'daily exercise' turns into 30 minutes of cardio five days a week, weight training thrice weekly (I just really wanted to say the word thrice), and daily yoga.

One more thing—schedule these mini-goals into your calendar. Make it an appointment with yourself; and then honor it like you would a commitment to a friend. Do not bail on your friend! Sticky notes can be saviors too—place them where you'll see them often, a reminder of your goals as you navigate your day. I'm going to need one on my bathroom mirror, coffee maker and car dashboard for starters. I'm pretty sure my house is going to end up looking like a scene from "A Beautiful Mind" with Russel Crowe.

Speaking of friends, if you have any, you need to tell them your goals. Tell your husband, your partner, tell everyone in a public blog..... Once it's out there, it’s hard to not live up to it. The fear of public humiliation is an awesome motivator!

Lastly, take a minute each week to look back and see how you did. If you failed miserably, recalibrate and come up with a new way to get your goal for the week done. Remember, friend, this journey is about growth, not perfection. Revel in your wins, learn from the challenges, and keep moving forward. You got this- go crush those goals! 

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